lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017


The Animal Kingdom

In this Natural Science unit we are going to learn about animals and some different classifications depending on the characteristics.

VERTEBRATES   (Animals with a backbone)

They have hair or fur and lungs. They are viviparous (they have babies). They can be herbivores (they eat plants), carnivores (they eat other animals) or omnivores (they eat plants and other animals).
They can walk (people,dogs, cats…), fly (bats), jump (kangaroos) or  swim (whales and dolphins).

They have feathers. They are oviparous (they lay eggs). They have two wings, two legs a beak and a tail. They can fly.
Flamingos, penguins, parrots…

They have dry scaly skin. They have lungs. They lay hard eggs.
They can slither and walk.
Crocodriles, lizards, tortoises, snakes…

- Amphibians
They have moist skin. They are oviparous and they lay soft eggs.
They have gills and lungs.
They can swim and jump.
Frogs, tods and, salamanders

They have gills, scales, fins and a tail.
They are oviparous.
They can swim.
Sharks, goldfish, swordfish, clownfish…

INVERTEBRATES  (Animals without a backbone)

They have segmented body and antennae.
Ladybirds, a dragonfly, a butterfly, a grasshopper, a beetle…

They have soft body, shell and tentacles.
Snails, an octopus…
-         On land like tigers, lions, giraffes…
-         In water like frogs, fish …
-         In the air, in the sky like birds.

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